About Marna Thall

Marna Thall is the author of the international top selling e-book, Naturally Thin Secrets. Marna teaches you how to trim down without drugs or supplements using the little-known secrets of the thin.

Do you have someone in your life who is pushing you to be your best self?

It surprises me how often we watch celebrities get support and help in the areas they struggle in as a pattern of successful thinking and behaving. We see Bethany Franklin talking to her therapist, Oprah receiving health coaching, and Dr. Oz' family using fitness trainers. Yet, seldom do we do it for [...]

Are You Afraid to Commit to Being Thin?

Are you afraid to commit to being thin? Have you made the decision to BE a certain weight or certain size? If committing to a particular program to slim down is something that paralyzes you, you are not alone.  That’s how diets are to me. They paralyze me because I’m strong willed and HATE being told [...]

Four Tips I’ve Used to Improve My Energy and Overall Quality of Life

Today I thought I would share four things that I’ve done to improve my energy and overall quality of my life. Plus, each of these will more positively effect your weight loss efforts too. The key is, is that you have to implement them! They are so easy, but if you don’t [...]

Video – 3 Easy Secrets to Understand Emotional Hunger

Are you eating for emotional reasons or physical hunger?  In this video I want to give you three easy secrets to understand whether or not you're an emotional hunger. Watch this....   To schedule a time with me or Judy, CLICK HERE. We have a few openings over the next few weeks.

By |2015-07-30T14:25:58-06:00July 30th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

4 Psychological Tools to Stop Overeating

This weekend, as you know, I celebrated my 40th. Thank you all for your sweet notes of love. I had meal after meal of delicious food and by the end of the weekend, I felt pretty darn good about my eating. I thought it would be helpful to learn some [...]

Holy smokes – I gained 2.5 pounds overnight

It's true, I gained 2.5 pounds overnight, and here's why this matters to you.... Yesterday we had some of our best friends over for brunch and I had a bagel in the morning. We had some leftover bagels and so I had another one for lunch.   If weight loss was just about calories, I [...]

I’d love my body if…

There’s an unfortunate trend going on in the world and quite frankly, it’s hurting women (and men) everywhere. Women and men alike are putting parameters around when to love their bodies,  which ultimately leads to extreme measures for beauty and the self-sabotaging behavior of losing and gaining, losing and gaining.  What’s [...]

[Free Training] Do you ever feel like you’re on the diet hamster wheel?

Do you ever feel like you're on a diet hamster wheel? Here's what I mean...do you feel like you start strong with diet and exercise on Monday then by Wednesday night you're so tired and sick of feeling restricted so you self-sabotage, or by the weekend it all just seems [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:33:32-06:00July 7th, 2015|Free Training, Think Thin, Weight Loss Secrets|0 Comments

Audrey Lost 80lbs By Caring For Herself More – See How…

I asked Audrey, a previous client of mine who lost over 80 pounds, to share with you the #1 tip for how she lost all that weight and she said this….. “You have to care about yourself more then you have. That’s it.”  How many times a day or week do you go between caring [...]

Do You Relate to Yourself as Fat or Thin?

I was driving the other day thinking about how the naturally thin relate to themselves thin and when you've struggled with extra weight, like I have, your identity is of struggle, managing your weight and feeling heavy. So think about this for a second... Wouldn't it be cool if you thought about [...]

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