Welcome to the ThinWithin Results Podcast Show, episode #2.

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Today I want to be talking to you about the little moments that create massive weight loss results.

I've had just a crazy week this week because I was in a massive car accident. I was going to go pick up my kids from school, and a woman had a seizure, and she went into incoming traffic and hit a woman who hit another car, and then she went on to hit me. If you've been in a car accident, you know that moment where it all goes into slow motion even though it's happening in an instant.  Well all of a sudden I realized there was nothing I could do. I knew that she was just coming for me, and she hit me pretty darn good.

I have a concussion but I'm feeling so much better today, which is why I wanted to connect in with all of you.

What does this all have anything to do with weight loss?

Well, just like that moment, with weight, every single day we have these powerful moments around what we do with food, how we relate to food, what we say to ourselves, and what we struggle with. When it comes to losing weight, weight loss is all about the little moments. The little moments where we say, “No thank you” to food, or where we are kinder to ourselves, where we choose more loving thoughts.  Where we choose to get up again, and make a difference. To say, “Okay. You know what?  Yesterday wasn't so good, but in this moment, I'm going to make it better.”

And I was thinking about how the little moments, create really big differences for my clients and have created massive shifts for my body. I want you to think about your life. Where are the little moments where you could transform?

See, there's the moment when somebody says, “Hey, you want something to eat?” That's a moment. Or what about the moment you pass somebody's desk, and you grab a Hershey's kiss on somebody's desk because it looks good, that's a powerful moment.

I used to be a YES girl when it came to food. Anybody who wanted to go out to eat, I would say YES. I realized when I was losing weight, that I could no longer be a Yes girl, if I wanted to slim down and that I was tired of being the Yes girl around food. I was tired of feeling that kind of fat energy that I was always up for eating.

I didn't feel good, it felt heavy. It felt uncomfortable. It made me feel big. I wanted to step into my thinner, lighter, more beautiful self. I wanted to do that. I wanted you to do that.

So what does that mean now? It means that sometimes when somebody asks me to out to eat, I say yes because I'm hungry –  Because I'm frickin hungry. But when I'm not hungry, I am not saying yes anymore.

When I'm not hungry. I can very well sit with people who are eating and sip on water sip on tea or grab myself a coffee. I don't have to be eating just because somebody else is hungry. How often are you doing that? How often are you saying yes to food when your body is not needing food?

How often are you giving yourself, these moments of self ridicule. How often are you saying yourself that you messed up?  You screwed up? Listen, losing weight is a whole lot about messing up and screwing up. It is not just a direct line to fitness, there's lots of jagged edges along the way, there's lots of up and downs.

But it's about getting back up taking hold of that moment and saying, “I'm going to brush myself off and go for it again!”

Tuesday I was too scared to drive, and on Wednesday I said, “I've gotta get out there. I've got kids, I've got to get out and drive.”

And even today I'm driving and I am scared shitless. I am driving and I'm uncomfortable. I find myself holding on to my rental car's steering wheel very tight. As I'm driving I'm really really nervous, but you know what? This is my moment. In this moment I have a choice. Am I going to fall back and be scared or am I going to take this moment, work through the thoughts in my head that want me to get really comfortable, which is what it does is well when you're struggling with weight or you want to slim down – your mind always wants to take you to that comfortable place. Staying at home is much more comfortable than getting back on the road, where I feel like I could get hit, where I'm not so comfortable.

But I have kids. I want to be able to drive them and I don't want to be stuck at home. So I'm working through my thoughts.

If you want to lose weight. You want to get better, 90% of this is a mind game. You too have to work through your thoughts and those moments where your thoughts come in and they're not supporting you.  This is the moment where you can say, “I'm not thinking that anymore! That's ridiculous. I'm not going to pay attention to that thought. I'm gonna choose this thought instead!”

You might be saying, “Well, there's so many of those thoughts, how am I going to catch them all?”

You're never going to catch all your negative thoughts. But if you practice in this moment, and then catch another moment and another moment, you'll stop being the yes girl with food.

And your weight will start coming off.

So what are the moments that are not serving you?

Oftentimes women come to me and they feel like they're totally broken, that everything is wrong, that they're just born this way and they think that they're struggling all day long. And that's simply not true. Most of the time what I find is that so many women are actually doing really well most of the time.

Most women do not struggle with breakfast. I rarely hear that.  Lunch, afternoon, evening and weekends can be tricky –  but it's not every moment of every day.

The more you celebrate the moments that are actually working for you, then you're going to see some great results. That energy of feeling proud of yourself is going to increase and keep increasing.

But if you give too much power and energy to those moments where you struggle (which is normal for somebody trying to lose weight) then you're going to just keep beating yourself up and you are going to have to start all over again.

And if you're sick and tired of doing well and then starting over, then start taking these moments to say,  “No thank you” to food and start being kinder to yourself.

Honoring yourself the way you should will make  a massive difference. For those of you who are new to me, my whole research is really looking at the natural thin and how they eat, think and relate to food.

I heard from someone today who said, “Yeah Marna,  but those are naturally thin people they are so different than me.” Well if you continue to think that way –  they will continue to be different from you. You can be just like them! There's no reason you can't!

I shared with my client that the emotional side and mindset side are the biggest obstacles for anyone wanting to change anything. If you are craving a thinner body, then we've got to change your mindset and your relationship with food and how you look at food.

This it the moment for you to transform. There's all these little moments, and I want you to start thinking about what are your moments that are not serving you, that you can change.

Weight loss in and of itself doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to be hard. What makes weight loss much more challenging is your mind, or your thoughts, or your beliefs.

If I were to take a naturally thin person's head and put it on top of yours. It would just be a matter of days before your body would start shrinking down, because you would be thinking in an entirely different way. You would have these moments to catch yourself all day long, and all these little moments that you're catching yourself in living thin,  all these little moments combined have you start having you lose weight.

It would be like somebody who wants to become wealthy. If you're thinking thoughts of lack all day long. Guess what you're going to create?  Lack! But if you know you can be wealthy and you're seeking out wealthy people and you're in the mental framework, you are going to move your life towards a wealthier more abundant life.

You can't get wealthy by having lack thinking all day long. Every single day telling yourself it's too hard, you can't do it, is not okay. You'll never become wealthy.

You've got to take the moment to move yourself ahead, and weight loss is exactly the same.

Making Money is not that hard.

Losing weight is not that hard.

It's what we tell ourselves about making money and about losing weight. It's our thoughts about money. Our thoughts about food.


So, I'm feeling so much better. I'm so grateful for all of you. This accident made me really, really, really connect to the fact of how much I love doing this work, how much I love being connected to so many of you, and that I'm so grateful for you being part of my life and my tribe.

I want you to think about the little moments in your life and start taking advantage of these moments. Begin moving your mind and your body toward a positive and naturally thin life, because you deserve it.

Nobody is going to do it, except for you. Nobody! You can give yourself every excuse in the world, it is not going to happen except if you doing something. If I could do it for you. I would.

Okay, so take these little moments, and let them support you. Take these moments and let them move you towards a thinner life,  and a healthier life a more vibrant life.


  • Say yes to activities.
  • Say no to food when you're not hungry.
  • Push food away in that moment that you feel satisfied.
  • Stop telling yourself that you suck, and you're fat or you're big and you have to change.
  • Find the parts of your body that look amazing.
  • Show yourself how great you are how amazing you are.
  • Stand up for yourself because gosh darn it, you deserve it.

All right, I'm sending you all so much love. I hope you liked today's podcast if you did, please share that with me. Let me know, I want to hear from you.

If you have other podcasts ideas that you would like me to speak on, please let me know and I'm happy to do so.

If you want more trainings, just like this, and free resources, just go to my thin within com page, you're going to see something that says free resources and you can take the assessment, video course and register for my podcast.

Let me help you. Where I can help you the most is learning how to eat like the naturally thin. Think like the naturally thin and shift your thoughts and thinking to align with a thinner, lighter, you.

All right everybody, have a wonderful day.

Until next episode. Bye.
