I was driving the other day thinking about how the naturally thin relate to themselves thin and when you've struggled with extra weight, like I have, your identity is of struggle, managing your weight and feeling heavy. 

So think about this for a second… 

Wouldn't it be cool if you thought about your legs as body parts you want to strengthen versus something you hate? What if you thought about meals focused on what you want to eat versus what you should eat like a dieter?  

I LOVE having clients look at their weight gain story and then shift their story to begin identifying themselves as a thin person. 

I thought I'd give you a modified coaching exercise:

1. What words are you telling yourself about how you look and feel that are not supporting you? 

2. How can you start relating to food from a place of abundance and thinness? 

3. What activities would you engage in if you were thinner, lighter and didn't worry about how you looked?

4. What fears would you need to overcome to begin engaging in these activities? 

Comment and let me know these answers! Let's change your identity from overweight to thin. Let's get you seeing results naturally without dieting!