Memorial Day weekend is just a few days away and I want to arm you with some fun and fabulous tips to get you through the holidays in thin fashion!


1.  Check-In Before You Dig In

Most of us celebrate around food – brunches, picnics, dinners and parties all revolve around food over Memorial Day. Check in with your body to make sure you're actually hungry first before grabbing that potato salad and watermelon. If you are not hungry, keep your hands busy by enjoying a some tea, water, or my favorite – helping the host. Remember, part the enjoyment is food, but more important is socializing, laughing, and catching up with loved ones.


2.  Avoid Overeating

Once you've determined you are in fact hungry, it's easy to overeat unconscious while you're shmoozing your little heart out. So here's a tip I like to have in my back pocket:  A study from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that people who doubled the number of times they chewed before swallowing ate 15 perfect less food over the course of EACH meal. Do that at every meal this weekend, and you'll be lighter then when the weekend started. 🙂


3. Drink It Up Like This

If you are going to drink alcohol, then keep it light and lean. You can do this by using clear spirits mixed with lemon, lime, mint or fresh berries. Play, have fun, get creative and remember – have one drink, then follow it with a glass of water, another drink, then follow it with a glass of water. I say this because when you start drinking, you stop thinking about your body, your weight, or how you look and feel! I want you safe and feeling great in your body this weekend.


So there you have it! You've got a long weekend ahead of you and I wish you a fun one. If at any time you're struggling with your body and you want to reach out to me, feel free to click this link and find a time that works for you.

Have a great weekend!