When I started interviewing thin people 20 years ago, I was shocked that none of the naturally thin dieted to stay thin. I thought for sure they watched calorie intake, fat grams, or how much food they ate. Freedom from dieting – is it really possible?

Not one naturally thin person that I interviewed paid any attention to calories, fat grams, or any of the hard things you've probably done to lose weight. The most magnificent characteristics that these thin people had in common was that they listened to their bodies, they rarely over ate, and they were really aware when they were eating.


So…..why is this good news for you and what can you learn from them?

I was reading the paper the other day it talked about how dieting usually creates added weight gain for people. The main reason I see this has everything to do with the mind hating feeling deprived.

When you no longer feel deprived, you have choice, freedom and joy around food – which, with the right tools, leads to weight loss. Diets create an unhealthy relationship to food which is the exact opposite of what you are striving for.

Drop One Size the Naturally Thin Way is a six hour audio program that will show you exactly how you can step into eating the way the thin do – without dieting, without deprivation, and with guidance, clarity and power.

When you apply one audio each week for six weeks, you will see results like I hear all the time: 15, 40, 60 pounds down – because when you keep practicing thin ways of relating to food and your body, you see results. You just do! It’s not magic, it’s not woo-woo, it’s just real, common sense thin living and being.


If you are sick and tired of dieting, like I was some 20 years ago, go grab your audio copy of Drop One Size the Naturally Thin Way – and you can start listening today!


There’s no reason you should stop eating foods you love when there’s another way!