Do you know the #1 thing you need to conquer to get the body you want? I'm going to be a little in your face today and I'm doing it because it's my sole purpose to help you look and feel better in a non-diet and thin-thinking fashion. 
I don't really give a crap about statistics because I know they can be skewed any which way, but it does concern me that I keep hearing that the percentage people becoming overweight is increasing.


I'm mad! Why isn't this rate going down? There are strategies and tools that work to slim down. These thin-thinking and eating strategies aren't bogus, they aren't phony, and they require look within (something popping a pill or dieting just doesn't do).


The reason why people are overweight is because they overeat! My gold members are proof of this – when they stop overeating and get to the core of what's truly going on underneath the surface, they lose weight. It happens time and time again.


Now it's your turn! Start with these 2 tips:
1. See if you can play a game with yourself and leave some food on your plate. I know, it may call your name and make you insane, but you can do it! When you do, jump up and down saying “I'm awesome!  (because you are and it's a major achievement when you are used to overeating all the time like I used to be!)”
2.  Cup your hands.  Hunger but not sure how much to eat? No problem! Whatever fits inside your hands is how much you should be eating at any given meal.


Need a little help? Then lets talk! If losing weight and overcoming overeating is a priority for you this year, book time now to speak with me.

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In Love and Health,

Marna Thall