I put together a quick little resource guide to get you through Memorial Day.

These are some tips the naturally thin shared with me that they will be doing this weekend to keep looking fabulous and I thought you'd enjoy implementing a few of these too…

1. Be Hungry. Don't snack throughout the day when you know that at 5pm you're going to be having a big picnic. Lighten up on your other meals and make sure you're hungry for your favorite Memorial Day meals.

2. Pick three. When sitting down to eat at a picnic or BBQ,  scour the table and find three food items that look the best and that will sit well in your body and eat those first. The first few bites are always the best.

3. Stop. If something doesn't taste good – stop and put it down. Don't feel pressured to eat food you don't like or that doesn't like you. Eat only the foods your mind and body love.

4. Get out and move a little. This weekend is a great time of year to do a little window shopping, play a little football, do some morning yoga or go for a stroll. Who says you can't move your body because it's a holiday? Your body will thank you!

5. Tell yourself “There's always more”. Thin people tell themselves they can always have more later in the day, tomorrow, or even over the course of the week with leftovers. Take a deep breath at the meal table, and know that you don't have to feel deprived or feel like you have to eat everything because you won't get it again. By telling yourself you can have more later, you ease any internal deprivation. Relax, there's always more!

6. Never let go of your body dreams. Never for a second forget that you can have a beautiful body that is strong, lean and healthy. The true gift of long weekends is spending time with loved ones. You have an amazing body that can get stronger, leaner and healthier. Don't for a minute let go of your body dreams. As you hold tight to these dreams, it makes it so much easier to gain control come meal time over this holiday weekend.

Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day! I will be sending you love from Las Vegas.

Marna 🙂