Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall and see precisely how the thin eat and how you can too?

Well let me be your fly today! I'm going to show you precisely what I learned from interviewing over 100 naturally thin people…

1. The Naturally Thin choose Satisfied over Stuffed
On the fullness scale with 5 being satisfied and 10 being unbutton your pants stuffed, thin women stop eating at a level 5 – 6.

Start copying them: Halfway through your next meal, put your fork down and, using the 5 to 10 scale and rate your level of fullness. If you feel a sense of nothingness, stop. If you still feel hungry, eat a few more bites, and then check in once again.

2. They Don't Panic When They Feel Hungry
Thin people don't panic when they feel hungry. They know they are not going to die but that food is everywhere and is available to them. Hunger pangs come and go, and there's just no reason to panic.

Start copying them: Postpone your next meals by an hour or two and relax. It's important to decrease the panic inside of you that feels like you are going to starve, run out of energy or die. You will find that you can still function quite well feeling a little hungry and you will be just fine. Breathe if you panic and tell yourself it's okay – there's food available and hunger is just popping it's head to let you know that you need to eat in the next hour or so.

3. The Naturally Thin Don't Connect Emotions with Eating
It's not that thin women don't ever eat for emotional reasons, but they tend to recognize when they're doing it and find a healthier strategy to deal with the real emotions at hand..

Start copying them: It's easy to say ‘just copy the thin and don't eat', but the truth is, you need to get in the habit of DEALING with what's truly going on inside of you.

The next time you find yourself eating for reasons other than hunger, ask yourself ‘What do I need' right now and then do one thing to DEAL with your emotion at hand.

To help you DEAL use this acronym to give you ideas regarding what you could do instead:  Do something kind for yourself, Express yourself through writing or talking, Ask for help, Let it go using breath work.

If you additional help addressing your emotional eating, click here.

4. The naturally thin are on their feet more
According to one Mayo Clinic study, the thin are on their feet an extra 2 1/2 hours per day—which can help burn off 33 pounds a year, so isn't that good news?

Start copying them: When you're on the phone, walk around your house, do an extra lap at the grocery store, get up and stretch and take a walk every few hours when working, purchase a pedometer and see if you can hit 10,000 steps per day.

5. The naturally thin sleep.
Thin women have been shown to snooze two more hours per week which creates lower levels of appetite-suppressing hormones like leptin and higher levels of the appetite-boosting hormone ghrelin.

Start copying them: If you struggle with getting enough sleep, just go to sleep 15 minutes earlier each night for a week. By stepping your sleep up, you will barely notice, but your waistline will!
If you need extra help crafting new thin habits for your weight and your body, click here to sign up for my next habits training.
In Love and Health,
Marna Thall