Are you afraid to commit to being thin? Have you made the decision to BE a certain weight or certain size?

If committing to a particular program to slim down is something that paralyzes you, you are not alone.  That’s how diets are to me. They paralyze me because I’m strong willed and HATE being told what to eat.

Whether you want to slim down, eliminate sugar, improve your workout routine, or want to just be normal with food,  you may feel like you're stuck – diets don't work but you want to see a change!

As emotional eaters we need a release and we crave freedom and options around food. You can commit to a thinner and leaner food and still have foods your body and mind love. Thinness doesn't have to mean committing to a painful life and/or relationship with food.

If you're afraid of commitment, here's what I recommend:

1. Commit to small goals for the week and then expand your commitments IF that feels safe and comfortable to you.
2. Celebrate each small goal you achieve. You should be proud of yourself!
3. As you achieve your new goals, you’ll expand your life, your body will shrink and you'll feel so much better.

Don’t be scared of committing – every time I do, it dramatically up-levels my life, my business, my relationships, and my body.

It’s worth it!

That being said – if you're triggered by setting up goals or commitment, that's totally fine. It just means that we have to work with your brain to have you achieve grater results.

If you're stuck, just apply to speak to one of our coaches and we can discuss what's going on underneath the surface and see if coaching is the right option for you to get this all figured out.

Big hugs,
Marna Thall