The #1 SMARTEST asset you can learn to permanently create lasting thin results is connecting your mind to your body.  And when I say connecting your mind to your body, you want to focus on listening and feeling to what your body actually feels and needs to get thin to experience massive freedom.

However, you don’t have to do a million different things to connect your mind and body; otherwise you’ll be exhausted, and you do have to have a life while losing weight and feeling great.


Here are three tips you can begin doing to create a stronger connection between your mind and your body to get thin…

 1. Get Clear Of What You Desire As a Feeling.
If your goal is to weigh 140 pounds or wear a size 8, then write that down and FEEL how good you think you will feel at that size or weight. The FEELING starts to connect your brain and your body.

I always start my clients off by them determining what they want and connecting to the feeling of it. It’s essential because connecting those feel good feelings in your body will elicit new positive neurotransmitter connections in your brain helping you move toward your goal.

2. The naturally thin have a strong knowing and belief that good health and thinness is possible.

Do you believe it’s possible for you? If not, making that internal adjustment within, will benefit you today and your weight. We do all sorts of work at to help people to shift beliefs because believing on yourself is a crucial part of slimming down and staying thin.
Here are some of beliefs you can employ –

I am safe in my body.

I deserve a healthy body that is lean and strong.
I find positive aspects of myself and my body daily.
I deserve to be loved now, and always
I am pretty/beautiful/powerful/and amazing
I believe I can create a thin and healthy body, that’s lean and strong.

3. Start to feel hunger, thirst, satisfaction, and other sensations within your body are absolutely necessary to become and stay thin.

You can’t consistently overeat and override your bodily signals and get thin. It’s near impossible and doesn’t work. Going within to get thin (thus why I called my company ThinWithin) will get you in your body to get thin and stay thin.


If you need any help getting you to think, eat or live thin, our products are designed to help you – from visualizations, to daily email guidance, to audio trainings. I’m dedicated to helping you connect within, to get thin.


In Love and Health,