I used to think I was undisciplined, unmotivated and pathetic for never being able to stick to a diet for more then two weeks.
After 18 years, I've seen that I'm not alone.Yes, there are those 1-3% of people who have the ability to stick to a diet, but what about the rest of us?  I know for me, the second you tell me not to eat something, I go running at lightning speed to go eat it!


Can you relate? Why in the world is it so hard to stick to a diet?


Here's why – we value freedom above any other value. This is why we want more money and why we want to be thin while eating whatever we want.

When you tell yourself no over and over again to food, it's a sure thing that you will binge because the energy of NO builds up so much in your mind, that you end up exploding into saying YES (which is the value of freedom that we all want), which equals bingeing/overeating.


When you finally put dieting to rest and create a new identity for yourself, you no longer revolve around restrictions and NO's with food and you can slim down naturally.

First, release the “good food” “bad food” notion and begin to tell yourself YES to more food when you are hungry. This will change everything for you – you will begin to trust your body, listen to your body's physical need for food, and it will create the FREEDOM around food that you need.


That's my promise for my Gold Members – to lose 20 – 60 pounds naturally. We will start Monday creating your new identity – who you want to be without dieting, without restrictive eating, and without all the NO's.

We are almost sold out of the Gold Member Program. We have just two more openings left. So, if you would like to talk about the program or you're ready to get signed up, just head to the contact us page and I will get you all set up and ready to go!


In Love and Health,