My “10 Second Emotional Eating Solution”

I hear from most of you that if you could just put a kabosh on your emotional eating, life would be fabulous for you! Well what I had for you a 10 second emotional eating solution that would change your emotional eating forever? Would you be interested?

Of course you would!

Here is my 3-step plan to help you end emotional eating one emotion at a time in just 10 seconds:

1. What Reasons Are You Eating For Besides Hunger?

First I want you to really look at your life. Look at your days, work, home and your weekends to determine what emotions are you eating for?

If you haven't filled out the assessment looking at why you eat, make sure you sign up for's newsletter and fill this out. It gives you over 20 possible reasons, so you can just check them off easily.

You must be aware of why you eat before moving to step #2.

2. Determine Which One You Want Resolved
Second, determine one of the reasons you've been eating for emotional reasons that you want resolved NOW.

Ask yourself these two power coaching questions:

1. “What is the reason and what is it that you are REALLY NEEDING.”

2. Have you DECIDED to do whatever you can to deal with your emotion without using food?

By deciding to make this important to you and to change this behavior, you will be much more committed, then if you don't commit and decide to changing this behavior. You much commit, before moving to step 3.

3. Take Action Focused on the “10 Second Emotional Eating Solution”
When you've determined what it is that you need, you are now ready to take action. Most people can do the other two steps really well, but what stops them is taking action, which is why I developed the “10 Second Emotional Eating Solution” to shift your emotions in just 10 seconds.

Studies show that if it takes to long to shift your emotions, you'll eat. So, it's critical to change your actions by doing something that will simply shift your whole energetic and emotional self in just 10 seconds.

Let me use myself for this example. For me, when I feel tired, I often go looking for food as a way to boost my energy. When I need an energy boost I now do 10 jumping jacks, meditate, or turn on some energizing music that I love to totally transform my tired feeling within 10 seconds.

Now it's your turn!

***Share with me:****
1. What are your top 3 emotions you eat for
2. What's the 1 emotion you're excited to transform
3. What 3 new actions will you take that you could do within 10 seconds of feeling triggered?