Time is extremely precious and I know you don't have much of it – so I want to make sure I give you quick and easy tools you can use to make a positive difference for your weight and body. 

If you've found yourself lately engaging in body-bashing or negative self-talk, one of the easiest things you can do is use your breath to slim you down. 

Here's why breath work is magical….. 

Tension holds on to fat, relaxation releases fat. We know this with all the research that's been dedicated to cortisol as of late.  

If you are body-bashing or speaking negatively about your thighs, you're going to increase your cortisol level (your stress hormone) which will keep you holding on to fat. 

So here's what I want you to do instead of body bashing ~

Instead of fighting your thoughts, start breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth several times as you focus on calming and relaxing those voices in your head that aren't true, that aren't serving you, and that are keeping you from having what you truly desire. 

Breath work is magic. In a matter of 5 minutes you can feel calm, relaxed and your body can feel free of negativity. 

Don't feel like you have to write down your thoughts, change them, fix them or any of that. Nope, just feel into the anxiety and breathe. 

As you practice this you will find that you're developing a new skill to calm and relax yourself; creating the perfect environment for you to release weight and say bye bye to fat. 🙂 

Ahhhhh, so much better. 

In Love and Health,
