If you're like my family, your house is decorated, costumes are picked out, and you are ready to enjoy another fun and festive Halloween. 

Halloween in our neighborhood is a zoo. People from all over come to trick-or-treat here and since my sister's family lives across the street from me, it's especially fun for the kids. 

Yet, I get questions all the time about how to manage all the sweets so Halloween doesn't end up packing on the pounds in November. Listen, I love sweets as much as the next person (or maybe more), but I have a solution to help you cut down 30% of your candy-eating while STILL catering to your sweet tooth. 🙂


Here is an easy 3-step process for cutting down your candy consumption by 30%… 

1. Take a deep breath and find the best candy/chocolate you want to eat.

2. Here's the fun part – now eat each piece of candy with your non-dominate hand. 

3. Taste each bite you enjoy. Stay conscious. Don't focus on the next piece, focus on the present cand you're enjoying.

That's it!!! Simple ey?

Research shows that this simple act of using your non-dominant hand when eating candy, you will cut down on how much candy you eat by 30% EACH time you eat. Plus, if you stay conscious and present, you will bring that percentage up even higher.

If you are a parent and have little candy-aholics running around, teach this technique. It's never too early to bring in presence, enjoyment, conscious eating and the fun game of using your non-dominant hand.

To a wonderful Halloween! 


P.S. Craving a weight loss and an emotional eating coach to help you slim down starting today,
head on over to this link and let's see if we are the right fit for one another.