Are you unhappy with your body? You say you want to change, so, why haven’t you seen results?

The truth is that you are going through life on auto pilot, unaware that your subconscious thoughts are shaping your reality. If your life isn’t what you desire, then it is because you are asleep. You are not in the present moment, the only place that change can take place.

It takes practice, repetition, and focus to change our thoughts from being stuck in the past or anxious about the future. Here are four ways to stay in the immediate moment:

Set a timer on your phone or watch for every hour. When the alarm rings, just take a moment and see how you are feeling. If you are feeling any negativity, it is a sign that you need to focus on thoughts that make you feel good.

  1. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and give it a snap as a reminder to come into the present. Take the time to feel the chair you are sitting on. Is it hard or padded? Feel the air on your face and the ground beneath your feet.
  2. If you watch TV, use the commercials as an opportunity to check in and see how you are feeling.
  3. Before you eat or change from one activity to another in your day, take 30 seconds to a minute to transition, breathe in and connect to your body. This will enable you to ground yourself in the moment.

The more you check in with your body, the more you stay in the present. This will help you become aware of what you are doing and you will be able to make conscious choices about what you eat, think and focus on.

Barbie Patterson is a Certified Thinwithin Body Breakthrough Coach. She works with women who are struggling with their weight and who are asking themselves, “How can I release this weight, without dieting or deprivation, once and for all?” She walks them through a step by step process that stops them from wondering and allows them to experience the transformation for themselves. To schedule a complimentary, Understanding the Thin You, That's Divinely Within You Discovery Session (valued at $245.): or e-mail,