Over the years, I’ve come to a remarkable conclusion. Clutter can make you fat — and the instant you start to clear your life of it, you will slim down.


Here’s why…when your house is messy, there’s a feeling of being out of control which means other things are out of control as well, including your eating.
I know, the thought of clearing out all that clutter is exhausting, so, you don’t do it. Just like the idea of facing your weight is also exhausting, so you don’t do it and you just live with it.


Yet, your home is cluttered because you’ve lost control of it. And if your kitchen is out of control, it’s highly likely your eating habits are as well. Because what you weigh isn’t just about calorie counting or doing stomach crunches. What you weigh is about how you live.

Here are a few tips I use:

  1. I put items that need to go upstairs on the bottom of the stairs. Everyone in my family knows that when they head upstairs, they have to grab something and bring it up.
  2. Before putting the kids to bed, as a family we clean up the main areas of the house like the kitchen and living room.
  3. After each meal, I clean up the kitchen and put all dishes in the dishwasher.
  4. The night before the trash truck comes, I clean out my refrigerator of old food. I don’t want it sitting in my trash all week, so it’s a great time to do this. All old food, stale food, leftovers that have gone bad all get tossed.

Pretty-up your space and you will find that a calmer space, will lead to you feeling more calm and relaxed in your kitchen. I promise when you care more about your space you will feel better about yourself too!