I sometimes feel hungry all the time – it's like I feel like I have the appetite of two people. Can you relate? If so, I thought I would share with you nine tips you can do now if you're feeling hungry all the time so you can fast-track living naturally thin… 


1.  Make sure you are actually hungry. Many people misinterpret the feeling of thirst for a sensation of hunger. They are actually dehydrated without knowing it so remember, hunger exists in your stomach, not your mouth.


2.  Determine if you are hungry or emotional. I know that I've eaten for every reason under the sun with the hope of relieving stress or for emotional comfort without even realizing it. Make sure you are clear as to whether you are experiencing physical hunger or an emotional need. Each needs to be dealt with differently.


3. Eat real food and avoid the processed stuff. The more real nutrients that your beautiful body gets and the the happier your body becomes which results in a healthier metabolism and less intense hunger signals.


4. Make protein your friend.  I don't know about you, but every time I have a bagel, I'm hungry five seconds later. However, when I add some protein I find that it keeps me from feeling hungry all the time. Protein takes longer to digest and helps keep you feeling full longer.  Eggs in some form with a slice of 100% whole wheat toast is a great breakfast or whole wheat toast with almond butter is a great snack. I also really like steel cut oatmeal with fruit, nuts and a drizzle of maple syrup.


5. Eat lots of vegetables. They are nutritionally dense – full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants – and they fill you up. Try to include a rainbow of colors – white, green, yellow, orange, red, blue and purple – everyday.


6. Limit your sugar. I'm all about eating whatever your body wants and not dieting. Yet if you are feeling hungry all the time and your weight isn't where you want it to be, then consider limiting sugar or using sugars that don't send your blood sugar soaring. I personally am in love with Coconut Palm Sugar, Agave, or Maple Syrup as options.


7. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners. I know some of you love your splenda and pink packets, but if you're struggling with persistent hunger, these artificial sweeteners perpetuate your sweet tooth, causing you to crave more sweets. Plus, they interfere with your body's hunger/satisfaction signals, which is precisely what will keep you thin forever. I noticed I was often ravenous within an hour of drinking a diet soda. Instead, enjoy warm water with lemon, vegetable juice, macha tea or sparkling water.


8.  Get enough sleep. When you are overtired your body may send you signals that it needs more energy in the form of food.  I often feel hungry when I am tired and really need a nap. Studies have demonstrated that people who are sleep deprived weigh more.


9.  Drink lots of water. Most of us don't drink enough water and you may think you're hungry when in fact you are just thirsty.  One Virginia Tech study found that older people who had two cups of water before a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories.

If you are feeling hungry all the time and you just ate a little big ago, try gulping down a big glass of water and then wait about 15 minutes and see if that helps. If your hunger disappears you can feel wonderful know that you were just thirsty and you need to drink more often!


I hope these tips curb your appetite and help you stay on your path to becoming the thin you, that's within you.