Do you Feel Like You’re Always Hungry?

This is a complaint I hear fairly frequently, especially when people have been dieting for quite awhile.  Dieting can absolutely shift your body's natural hunger rhythms.  

Here are four tips you can implement right away if you feel hungry ALL the time and just can't shake it:

1. Make Sure You are Actually Hungry
Many people misinterpret the feeling of thirst for a sensation of hunger. I have my clients learn how to specifically check-in within their bodies to see if they are actually hungry and I want you to do the same. Place your hands on your belly and ask yourself “Am I hungry?” If you feel the sensation in your mouth, you may actually be in need of something to drink.  Drink lots of water (which most people NEVER do) and if you consume loads of caffeinated beverages – sodas, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. try cutting back.

Listen, I like coffee (as I'm sipping on one at Starbucks as I write you), but I keep it to one cup a day. Then I load up on loads of smoothies, water and decaffeinated herbal tea to keep from constantly feeling hungry.

2. Recognize Emotional Hunger

Many people eat when they are angry, tired, frustrated, or need to relieve stress, along with dozens of other reasons. If you haven't taken my assessment as to why you eat, get it here and fill it out so you know. Without even realizing it, you may be mistaking emotions for hunger. So if you can relate to this, I want you to ask yourself “WHAT DO I REALLY NEED?” That will get to the source in just 10 seconds – and you can focus on meeting and dealing with that particular need.

3. What Are You Eating
Every time I eat a bagel, five seconds later I'm hungry. Carbohydrates just don't keep me satisfied and I'll eat way more food and feel hungry all day long if my food intake is full of carbohydrates. The key for my clients dropping weight fast and not feeling hungry all day long is adding protein to their meals.

Try it out. Meals that work great include chicken, humus, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, and canned tuna. Eat them with your meal and you'll find you'll eat less, lose weight and won't feel hungry all the stinkin time!

4. Switch It Up 

I'm certainly not an expert in the area of nutrition, but when it comes to hunger I am. When you get a variety of foods, you give your body a wonderful plethora of nutrients like selenium, boron, copper, manganese, chromium, germanium, and dozens others . The more you enjoy a whole spectrum of food, the more you will satisfy your body's need for nutrients which dramatically effects how you experience hunger. I share this with you because many nutritionists feel that this lack of a variety of nutrients is a major reason for overeating tendencies.

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